Metrics: Page 7

Growing a Business

4 Steps to a Breakout 2015

In this difficult economic environment, it's still possible to have a profitable, growing business. Follow these four steps.


4 Steps Needed to Transform the Digital-Marketing Industry

If clients perceive the technology as a black box, providers overpromise results and the churn rate is high, perhaps business practices should change.

Data & Recovery

Learn to Refine Crude Data, a Precious Resource for a Startup

Harness your company's information to consider key metrics and fulfill specific business goals. Remove unessential matters to find that pure elixir that will enrich and enhance the enterprise.

Growing a Business

Do You Know How You Really Did This Year?

Without established goals in place, you're just guessing based on feelings. Make next year different.


4 Steps to Ensuring Customer Experience Comes First

Fashion the touch points and interactions so critical for captivating today's empowered consumers.

Data & Recovery

The Ultimate Guide to Metrics for Business Leaders

Drive performance by focusing on key measurements in seven telling ways.


The 3 Best Measures of True Branding Success Are Tough to Quantify

Validating your branding efforts with emotional-value metrics is unavoidably a blend of intuition and analytics because brand loyalty is anything but rational.

Growing a Business

4 Reasons Sharing Performance Metrics Will Accelerate Your Business

An entrepreneur makes his case for the efficiency of dashboards to inspire engagement, productivity and results.


3 Tips to Keep Entrepreneurs Out of the Weeds

Business leaders should maintain strategic vision and leave tending to the details to their managers.

Science & Technology

5 Dashboards for the Data Every Business Needs to Track

People and money are the two constants regardless of what a company sells. Keeping tabs on the comings and goings of both is indispensable.

Growing a Business

7 Tips for Startups to Engineer Traction and See Big Growth

You're only as good as the number of people using and, more importantly, paying for what you built.


8 Ingredients of an Off-the-Charts Email Marketing Campaign

For extraordinary results, test, measure, tweak. Don't stop.

Business News

Data Driven: What Amazon's Jeff Bezos Taught Me About Running a Company

A former employee of the retailer reflects on the lessons learned from the boss of the web giant.


3 Essential Laws of Management No Entrepreneur Can Afford to Ignore

What you encourage and what you won't tolerate are the biggest factors shaping your team.

Growing a Business

You Can Manage Certain Sales Metrics, Just Not Revenue (Infographic)

Leaders can have a significant impact on the success or failure of their sales force by focusing on achieving specific numbers.