Military: Page 3

Starting a Business

How a Navy SEAL Invented a Multi-Million Dollar Fitness Craze By Accident

An unstoppable mindset helped retired Navy SEAL Squadron Commander Randy Hetrick build TRX into a global force.


The Green Berets Who Traded Bullets for Bourbon

Their covert mission into Afghanistan inspired a book, a movie, a monument and now, an award-winning bourbon.

Thought Leaders

This Medal of Honor Recipient Explains the Importance of Putting Your Pride to the Side

Boeing Deputy Vice Presiden Business Director Florent Groberg shares his belief that selflessness and service are key components of success.

Operations & Logistics

A Navy SEAL's Guide to Thriving in Close Quarters, Part 5: Take Breaks

Stress is real, and it can creep up on you if you don't take a few simple steps to control it.

Operations & Logistics

A Navy SEAL's Guide to Thriving in Close Quarters, Part 4: Opportunity

The fourth action in my R.E.M.O.T.E. acronym speaks to the experience of starting and leading companies, especially when you are confronted with uncertainty.

Operations & Logistics

A Navy SEAL's Guide to Thriving in Close Quarters, Part 3: Manage

The third action in my R.E.M.O.T.E. strategy will help you deal with distractions and create structure.

Thought Leaders

The Navy Top Gun Veteran Who Sold His Car and House to Launch His Dream Business

Navy Top Gun veteran Rob Ceravolo takes us on the ride into the danger zone that is starting your own business.

Operations & Logistics

What Surviving a Rocket Explosion Taught This Veteran Entrepreneur About Never Giving Up

The mindset that allows Colin Wayne to push forward in times of crisis.

Operations & Logistics

A Navy SEAL's Guide to Thriving in Close Quarters: 6 Essential Actions

Lessons from my time on board Navy SEALs submarines.

Business News

Microsoft Wins $10B Pentagon Cloud Contract, Amazon Loses Out

For Microsoft, the contract is a big win for the company's Azure cloud computing service.

Growing a Business

3 Tips for Hiring Veterans and How They'll Help Your Business Thrive

Americans who served in the military can fill a range of important roles.


Leadership Tips to Turn Around a Low-Morale, High-Turnover Team

Here's how this Navy officer helped his crew succeed.


Use This Green Beret Method to Find Out if Someone Is Trustworthy

Thinking about a new partnership? Check these boxes before you sign on the dotted line.


Filling Sandbags in the Military Inspired Me to Become an Entrepreneur

Really hard work with no obvious utility is actually a very clarifying experience.

Business News

Former Navy SEAL Commanders Say New Leaders Always Make the Same 2 Mistakes

New leaders are often afraid to admit when they don't know something, and resort to making excuses rather than seeking help, they say.