Military: Page 7


These 10 Brands Make It Easier for Veterans to Become Franchisees

Vets deserve special consideration this Memorial Day. In the entrepreneurial world, certain franchisors haven't forgotten that.


Under Armour Pulls 'Band of Ballers' T-Shirt After Complaints

The shirt featured an image meant to evoke associations with a famous Iwo Jima photograph.


These Bullets Can Change Direction to Hit a Moving Target

No, these bullets aren't magic. But they are backed by some serious technology.


What Two Years in the Israeli Army Taught Me About Leadership

A CEO underwent some tough training on his way to "take that hill."


6 Traits of Exceptional Military Leaders That Apply in the Business World

A CEO of a frozen yogurt company describes how his experience in the military shared his leadership style.


10 Things Entrepreneurs and Military Pilots Have in Common

A startup founder shares the lessons he learned while serving as a helicopter pilot.


Whether at a Startup or on a Nuclear Submarine, Earn Your Leadership

Barking orders at the people under you may get things done, but will ultimately lead to failure.


7-Eleven Is Giving Away a Franchise for Free

If you are a veteran interested in franchising, you have until January to apply for 7-Eleven's free franchise giveaway contest.

Resumes & Interviewing

6 Tips to Help Your Company Hire More Veterans

It takes work and effort to create a successful hiring program for servicepeople, but the rewards to your company can be exponential.

Thought Leaders

7 Qualities the Army Instilled in Me That Helped Me Launch a Business

Veterans possess these skills that help them excel in entrepreneur or employee roles.

Thought Leaders

How These Vet Entrepreneurs Are Bridging America's Civilian-Military Divide

Sword & Plough founder Emily N??ez Cavness and Pinterest exec Don Faul illustrate how military experience can translate into dynamic careers in the civilian sector.

Science & Technology

This Mighty Exoskeleton Can Give You Superhuman Strength (Sort Of)

Anyone who wears this rugged exosuit will be able to lift heavy tools and objects like they're feathers.

Science & Technology

The U.S. Military Wants to Inject People's Brains With Painkilling Nanobots That Could Replace Medicine

Ever wish you could heal yourself like a superhero? The government is making it happen. Sort of.


Want to Run Faster? This Old-School Concept Might Hold the Answer.

You have to see this new take on the traditional jetpack.


5 Business Lessons I Learned in a Foxhole

Powerful lessons from the military that continue to serve me as an entrepreneur all these years later.