Personality Traits: Page 3


#3 Key Reasons Why Every Entrepreneur Should get an Image Consultant

Entrepreneurs often fail to present themselves in a positive manner to their clients and eventually lose important business deals


Quiz: Which of These 7 Personality Traits Do You Share with the World's Richest People?

Possessing the same characteristics of extremely rich and successful people is half the battle.

Thought Leaders

Stop Trying to Make Yourself Fit a Career That's Not Right For You

A new assessment tool guides users toward ventures and business models that are a more natural match for their inherent personality traits.


8 Traits of Healthy Narcissism That Drive Success

When it comes to success, too little narcissism can be just as pathological as too much.

Thought Leaders

The 8 Magical Benefits of Resilience

The single most important trait for achieving big goals is the capacity to return, again and again, to the task.

Thought Leaders

5 Personality 'Flaws' That Are Entrepreneurial Gold

If you're often chided to be nice and fit in, it might be a sign you should follow your own path.

Thought Leaders

3 Timeless Traits of Highly Successful Leaders

Going all-in and becoming a life-long learner are common leadership traits you can adopt as your own.


How Thinking Like an Introvert Can Help You Get Ahead in Business

Research suggests that introverts possess qualities that can rocket them to the top of their fields.

Thought Leaders

Those With ADHD Might Make Better Entrepreneurs. Here's Why.

Individuals with the disorder tend to be hyperfocused risk-takers, which makes them ideal entrepreneurs.


The 10 Traits of Highly Desirable People

Highly desirable people are successful because they build their lives from the inside out.

Making a Change

9 Practices for Achieving Emotional Maturity

Maturity, the essential characteristic of a leader, does not just come with age. It is a goal we work to achieve.

Resumes & Interviewing

Personality Tests: Helpful Tool or Lazy Shortcut?

Just as a map is not the territory, neither is a personality type the person you're hiring. Be a team builder, not a exam proctor.

Science & Technology

5 Lessons Entrepreneurs Can Learn from Israeli Tech Founders

Treat investors' money like your own and you'll be prepared to tough out lean times and hard days.

Thought Leaders

You Must Have This Characteristic to Be a Successful Entrepreneur

You'll go nowhere fast if you don't have this one key element in place from the start.

Thought Leaders

8 Ways to Develop Long-Term Focus and Achieve Success

These methods will help you regain laser focus and use those extra-special personality traits to succeed.