Want to Enhance Your Influence as a Startup Leader? Here's What You Need to Know.
Discover the foundational influence styles of "pushers" and "pullers," and learn practical tactics to refine your natural influencing approach. Enhance your performance in startup environments by adopting the most effective elements of both styles.
Cómo ganarte a la audiencia con habilidades de persuasión efectivas
La habilidad para persuadir no radica únicamente en los detalles, la información y la manera de exponerla; implica establecer una conexión significativa que haga eco en quienes te escuchan. Aquí exploramos cómo una combinación entre relatos, escucha activa e interacción genuina no solo puede captar la atención, sino también ganar corazones y mentes, estableciendo el escenario para lograr el éxito en cualquier presentación.
How to Win Over the Room With Effective Persuasion Skills
The art of persuasion is not just about the notes, the data, and the pitch; it's about creating a connection that resonates with the audience. We explore how a blend of story, active listening, and genuine interaction can not only capture attention but also win hearts and minds, setting the stage for achieving success in any meeting.
This One Small Word Change Can Make You Instantly More Persuasive
By turning actions into identities, you can get people to do what you want.
A Former FBI Kidnapping Negotiator Shares His Best Tips for Leveling Up Your Negotiation Game
A career business expert and hostage negotiation expert for the National Security Council shares what the best negotiators do to achieve desired outcomes.
How To Be Persuasive With Your Body Language
Whether we realize it or not, we all try to be persuasive. Follow these four body language hacks to be more persuasive.
How to Tell If Someone Is Manipulating You Based on Their Body Language
We have all been manipulated. But chances are, our manipulators were giving off these five signs of manipulation.
4 Steps to Help You Turn a 'No' Into a 'Yes'
The fortune is in the follow-up: Follow these steps to land a contract or gig after being told "no."
4 pasos para ayudarte a convertir un 'no' en un 'sí'
La fortuna está en el seguimiento: siga estos pasos para conseguir un contrato o un concierto después de que le digan "no".
Use este poderoso método de persuasión para que los clientes regresen por más
Si basa su proceso de ventas en la manipulación o la presión, se está perdiendo éxitos mucho más duraderos.
Use This Powerful Method of Persuasion to Keep Customers Coming Back for More
If you base your sales process on manipulation or pressure, you're missing out on much more enduring successes.
7 formas de cautivar a cualquier público
Asegúrese de que cuando se vayan, no puedan dejar de hablar de usted y de su presentación.
7 Ways to Captivate Any Audience
Make sure that when they leave, they can't stop talking about you and your presentation.
Lessons in Persuasion From the Most Celebrated American Presidents
With a nod to Presidents' Day, we examine what entrepreneurs can learn from the White House's greatest communicators.
Bestselling Author Daniel H. Pink's 4 Strategies to Help You Persuade Better and Sell More
Learn these research-based tips on becoming a better seller and persuader.