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Growing a Business

To Make Your First Million Dollars, Draw Up This Venn Diagram: 'You Want to Fall Right In the Middle. If You Do, I Think It'll Take 5 Years'

The hosts of 'My First Million' believe anyone can make it happen if they follow this formula.


9 Productivity Tips That the 1% Know to Follow

Is your inner high-performer waiting to be unleashed? If so, here's what the 1% swear by for peak productivity.


There Are 4 Types of Managers. Take This Quiz to Find Out Which You Are, and If You're In the Right Line of Work.

Knowing your leadership style, and whether it suits the work you're doing and the team you have, is the first step in living up to your leadership potential.

Thought Leaders

The Most Innovative Leaders Use These 3 Mental Models to Unlock Their Best Ideas

Mental models help us to understand things more fully and come up with smarter, more groundbreaking solutions. Here are three mental models you can use to grow, innovate and think differently.


I Got Over 225,000 Views in Just 3 Months With Short-Form Video — Here's Why It's the New Era of Marketing

Thanks to our new short-form video content strategy, we've amassed over 225,000 video views in just three months. Learn how to increase brand awareness through short-form video content.

Starting a Business

This Side Hustle Is Helping Farmers Earn Up to $60,000 a Year While Connecting Outdoor Lovers With Untouched Wilderness

If you've got some land, why not make some extra cash while letting others get out into nature?

Starting a Business

Watch Now: Tapping into Your Unconventional Thinking and Using It to Create a Million-Dollar Business

This husband-and-wife power duo is the founder of the fastest-growing direct-to-consumer kid's food brand in the U.S. Here's their advice to our subscribers.


AI vs. Humanity — Why Humans Will Always Win in Content Creation

With the proliferation and integration of AI across organizations and business units, PR and marketing professionals may be tempted to lean into this new technology more than recommended.

Side Hustle

This Flexible Side Hustle Is Helping Millions Earn Extra Cash — and Might Be 'More Attractive' Than an Office Job

Side hustles remain popular for additional income — and have many questioning the 9-5 model altogether.

Science & Technology

How to Tell if Something is Written by ChatGPT

It may not always but obvious, but there are a few telltale signs that can help you determine if a body of text was written by an AI.

Growing a Business

Want to Become an Industry Leader? Be a Guest on Podcasts — But Not the Ones You Think

If you are trying to promote your new product or service, there's a simple yet effective way to stand out from the rest.


3 Reasons Employees Are 'Quitting Your Leadership' and Becoming Less Productive, According to a Senior People Scientist

Heather Walker, senior people scientist at employee experience platform Culture Amp, breaks down the current workplace reality.

Growing a Business

Want to Be the Next Apple? Here's the Secret Sauce Used By Steve Jobs to Build Consumer Trust.

There are many marketing and branding strategies out there — but here's the one Steve Jobs used grow Apple.