Publicity: Page 9

Operations & Logistics

How Social Media Can Help With PR

Rather than looking at social media as just a marketing tool, start looking at it as a brand image one.

Business News

3 Horrible Press Release Habits to Break

Your professors bear some blame; they lauded florid writing and set minimum lengths for papers. Here are a few salient points for crafting tighter releases.

Operations & Logistics

The Basics of Getting the PR Your Business Needs

If you are going to hire a person or firm to create and share your brand's information, here are a few things to keep in mind.

Operations & Logistics

How Targeted Press Efforts Raise Your Bottom Line

Entrepreneurs who ignore news sources and PR tactics may be left out in the cold.


4 Ways to Get Publicity on a Budget

Having a media presence can do wonders for your company, and it doesn't require you to spend a fortune on a PR team.

Operations & Logistics

5 Tools to Fuel Your Company's PR Machine

Mobile and web innovations can make managing public relations in the digital age faster and easier.


The 10 Things You Must Do When Distributing Your Press Release

In today's world, it's not enough to simply post a few words about your company's latest news and take the rest of the week off.


5 Ways Besides Social Media to Get Publicity for Your Family Business

There is no underestimating the business importance of your web presence but TV, radio and newspapers remain relevant and accessible.


How to Get Better Press Than Your Competitors

Certain media tactics can help you garner more press coverage and increase your share of voice compared to your competitors.

Science & Technology

Sometimes Hackers Just Want to Embarrass You

The fallout for a cyber attack can include a major hit to a company's reputation. Be proactive on the public-relations front.


Why Every Startup Needs a Press Kit

Press kits eliminate as much of the effort that would otherwise go into journalism as possible. Here is how to ensure your kit is top-notch.

Business News

Uber to Cap Surge Pricing During Winter Storm Juno

In the past, the company has come under fire for surging prices during times of crisis.

Operations & Logistics

5 PR Jargon Words You Absolutely Need to Know

By learning the PR lingo, you can pitch outlets more effectively.


3 Ways to Optimize Your Startup's Content Marketing

The huge majority of new companies have little money for publicity but that is all the more reason to get your marketing right.


How to Be Your Own PR Machine

Here are seven tips to increase brand awareness and press reach