Referrals: Page 7
Networking Skills That Win You Referrals
Understanding people's behavioral styles can help you earn more business.
12 Ways to Become a Recognized Expert
Getting quoted, giving speeches and writing articles are great ways to market your business.
10 Questions for a Networking Referral Power Team
Working with people from complementary professions can help you leverage your referral network. Here's what you need to ask to find their sweet spots.
Why You Should Fire Your Worst Client
When a problem client proposes to suck the wind from your sail, it might be time to cut anchor. Here are five ways to get rid of difficult customers.
Don't Wait for a Reunion to Network With Former Classmates
If done right, reconnecting with old college friends can spell new referrals and maybe even revenues for your business.
10 Must-Haves for Better Word-of-Mouth Marketing
These tactics can help enhance your credibility when attending networking events.
Five Ways to Boost Referrals to Find Customers
When it comes to finding customers, advertising is expensive. Here's how to find customers through referrals.
How to Stage a Small-Business Comeback
Three turnaround strategies to survive, and thrive, beyond the recession.
An Old-Fashioned Approach to Finding Customers
When the economy got this flooring franchise down, it reengineered its approach to finding customers -- favoring knocking on doors and cold calling.
Three Essentials to Creating a Networking Strategy
Establish a plan to help determine who you want to connect with and where to find them.
5 Ways to Sell More by Earning Customer Loyalty
Use these key gift-giving strategies to move beyond appreciation and deepen your client relationships.
Referral Offers Your Customers Can't Refuse
A great product or service and inviting customer experience is essential to building a steady stream of referrals to your business.