Self-Care: Page 3
5 Ways to Show Your Business Some Love This Valentine's Day
We all need a little TLC right now. Take time to care for your business and everyone involved -- yourself included.
Dear Brit: 'I'm Freaked Out by Failure!'
In her advice column for 'Entrepreneur,' Brit Morin offers up close and personal thoughts on dealing with failure, the pros and cons of co-founders, and why you should actually be taking that whole self-care thing seriously.
The Winning E.D.G.E. of Entrepreneurs
When entrepreneurs are aligned in body, beliefs and business they experience life at a higher level.
Self-Care for Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs
How to practice self-care in the midst of an ultra-busy lifestyle without spending a dime.
4 Things Entrepreneurs Can Do When Nothing Is Going Their Way
Many entrepreneurs are experiencing hardships. In those moments when nothing seems to be working, shift momentum by taking these steps.
19 Self-Care Accessories to Help You Into the New Year
Save an extra 20 percent on these discounted deals for Cyber Monday
3 Reasons Why the Aesthetics and Anti-Aging Market is Unaffected by the Pandemic
As medical aesthetics have become an integral part of self-care, this industry seems to have weathered the impact of COVID-19.
Welcome to the Era of the Anti-Hustle
More flexibility, less work and more efficiency. All it took was a pandemic to give us everything we ever wished for in our businesses and our health.
Self-Compassion Is an Essential Tool for all Entrepreneurs
Use this article as a permission slip to allow you to stop being so incredibly hard on yourself.
4 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Be Relentless Like Michael Jordan
Michael Jordan's success offers valuable lessons about entrepreneurship.
Entrepreneurship Was Tough Before COVID-19. Now It's Testing Founders' Mental Limits.
As the pandemic continues, founders and CEOs are expected to prioritize their employees' wellbeing. But what about their own mental health? Here are five ways for leaders to stay sane.
Implementing This One Simple Strategy Every Day Can Help you Overcome the Unsettling Emotions
How to pay attention to outside influences and monitor your body's internal reactions.
Working Hard and Being Stressed Out Isn't a Sustainable Model for Success
Spend more time on yourself, your fears and what motivates you, and less time being unproductively stressed out.
The Wonder Woman Disrupter Next Door: Catching Up With Tanya Odom
It's been a year since 'Disrupters' hit the book shelves. Tanya Odom speaks up about her past year of adventure, reinforcing the idea of how this Wonder Woman can do just about anything.
It's Official: Self-care Leads to Long-term Business Success
Investing in your wellbeing could take your work to new heights