She Rules: Page 2

Women Entrepreneur®

Want Hit Records? Include More Women in Your Creative Process

For production of the top 600 songs made between 2012 and 2017, women made up only 22 per cent of artists, 12 per cent of songwriters, 3 per cent of engineers, and 2 percent of producers

News and Trends

What 2019 Holds for Women in Australia

Industry leaders are now holding themselves accountable to diversity standards, which will help change the workforce entirely

Growth Strategies

How Women Entrepreneurs can Overcome Challenges and Succeed

Striking work-life balance is key

Women Entrepreneur®

How this Asian Woman Entrepreneur is Redefining the World of Venture Capital

Pocket Sun, the 27-year-old co-founder of multi-million dollar VC firm SoGal, wants to better gender dynamics

Women Entrepreneur®

How This Single Mother is Helping Families Across the World Through a Parenting App

S'moresUp connects parents globally from Asia to the US for any kind of help or support

Women Entrepreneur®

5 Tips to Kick Start Your Mumpreneur Career

Striking work-life balance is the biggest challenge for mothers

Growth Strategies

Things Creative Entrepreneurs Should Keep in Mind when Designing their Future

Spreadsheets are everything; as a creative-first, entrepreneur-second, it can be hard to do, but there is no excuse not to know

Women Entrepreneur®

How this Malaysian Designer Bootstrapped her Way to the New York Fashion Week and Beyond

Family support has been the most crucial part of my journey, says Jasmine Chong

Women Entrepreneur®

'The Zero-Waste Lifestyle is Now a Must To-do'

NO!W No Waste founder Fanny Moritz is on a mission to create a new image of reusable and sustainable products

Women Entrepreneur®

Three Things to Know When Starting a Food Business

You have to be passionate about the magic of food and how it brings communities together, says BiteUnite's Patta Arkaresvimun

Women Entrepreneur®

How a Single Mother is Using Blockchain to Help People Get Home Loans in Five Days

Founder Ruth Hatherley says the technology is a component of Australian fintech start-up Moneycatcha's overall technical architecture