Sleep Deprivation: Page 3


Four Diet Tricks for a Better Night's Sleep

More water and less sugar could just be what's between you and your next career jump.


10 Secrets to Sleeping Better -- And Being More Productive the Next Day

Making time for a full night of sleep and setting the stage for quality sleep is the secret to accomplishing more during the day.


#6 Ways How Sleep Deprivation Is Killing You Slowly and Steadily

Did you know lack of sleep has some serious effects on your body and brain?


The Importance of Sleep For a Better Workplace Culture

"In many a music, it's the pause or rest, that gives the piece its beauty and its shape." – Pico Iyer, author - The Art of Stillness

News and Trends

A Look at How the Corporate World in Japan is Paying Employees to get a Good Night's Sleep

Founder of a wedding organizer company Crazy Inc, Kazuhiko Moriyama believes that well-rested workers are the most productive employees in the company


Six Ways Entrepreneurs Can Get A Better Night's Sleep

A few simple lifestyle tweaks can help entrepreneurs enjoy restful sleep after a hard day at work

News and Trends

Why Entrepreneurs are Not Able to Sleep Well

It's no secret that entrepreneurs sacrifice a lot for their business to grow, and sleep is one of them

Growth Strategies

Sleeping Too Much or Too Less Can Hamper Productivity

Employees who sleep 10 or more hours per night miss an average of 1.6 times more days of work due to illness and lose an average 2.2 times more productivity


To Build a High-Performing Company Your Team Needs a Good Night's Sleep Every Night

Build a sleep-first company, and it will pay off through increased revenue, reputation and employee engagement.


Want to be More Successful? Go to Bed.

And don't think you can 'make up' those missed hours of shut-eye on the weekend.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

Most People Are Failing to Get the Right Amount of Sleep, Survey Says

A new study breaks down average sleep times by age, gender and even relationship status.

Thought Leaders

5 Ways to Keep You and Your Business Healthy

Your company can't thrive over the long haul if you're crashing now. Taking care of yourself tilts odds in your favor in all areas of your life.


3 Morning Habits That Will Dramatically Improve Your Sleep (and Workday)

Ever heard of circadian rhythms? Time to wake up and smell the coffee.