Tech: Page 10

Growth Strategies

What Companies Must Look For While Hiring a CTO Today

In many cases, a technology visionary can be a CTO. But recruitment businesses have to understand the changing industry patterns to tailor CTO's roles to accomplish organisation's goals.

Science & Technology

The One Gadget Every On-the-Go Entrepreneur Needs on Hand 24/7

Stay connected and fully charged wherever you go, regardless of your device choice.

Science & Technology

Get a Microsoft Surface For as Low As $499 for All Your On-the-Go Business Needs

Save big on these high-powered, convertible notebooks when you buy refurbished.

Business Ideas

How to Make an App When You Can't Code (a Step-by-Step Guide)

Got a great idea? Here's how to make an app that pops in a crowded marketplace.

Thought Leaders

More Than 150,000 U.S. Small-Business Websites Could Be Infected With Malware at Any Given Moment. Here's How to Protect Yours.

Small-business victims were involved in 43 percent of data breaches over the course of a year, according to a recent report.


Best Tech Gadgets of 2019 That You Can Gift Your Loved Ones

Entrepreneur India brings a guide of the best gadgets of 2019 that will leave a long-lasting impression on your loved ones

Business News

What Every Entrepreneur Needs to Know About Visual Search

From Amazon to Pinterest, the entire e-commerce ecosystem is making the switch.

Business News

Google Is Adding Spam Detection and Verified Business SMS to Messages

So you know that appointment confirmation isn't spam.


Impacting Humanity: One Global Founder And Executive Chairman Mohammed Al-Rashidi

Here's how this Kuwaiti national is engineering a digital transformation revolution that is affecting the global landscape


Everything You Need to Know About Blockchain In China

China's relationship with blockchain's offspring of cryptocurrency is troubled, to say the least, but it's making big developments in the sector


#5 Best Premium Range Earbuds of 2019

Every earpod listed here has been carefully looked, reviewed and picked by us to give you the best options

Business News

How to Survive a Blackout: 6 Things You Need to Build an Emergency Tech Kit

When the power goes out, these devices will keep you going during an emergency, be it a hurricane, preemptive wildfire blackout, or other natural disaster.


Xiaomi's First Smartwatch Is Apple Watch Rip off & Here's Everything You Need to Know about It

The Xiaomi Smart Watch comes with GPS, NFC support, Wi-Fi connectivity, a large battery, and a speaker


All Is Not Well with Technology and Our Lives

Entrepreneur India spoke to some of the founders and executives to get an idea of how they are trying to reduce the over-involvement of tech in their lives

Business News

10 Powerful Women Leaders Discuss Keeping AI Safe for Humanity

'History has shown that whenever a great invention gets into the wrong hands, evil tends to prevail. Right now, we're in the early stages of AI and currently exploring the many potential benefits of using AI for good.'