Trending: Page 2

Business News

Facebook Overhauls Trending and Will Now Show the Same Topics to Everyone

Facebook is also rolling out 'an improved system to determine what is trending.'


Don't Let Marketing Zest Lead You Into the Fake News Morass

If the facts aren't selling your product, you need to improve it.

Social Media

Watch YouTube's Top 10 Most Viral Videos of 2016

Which video got the no. 1 spot? (Hint: Look at the picture above.)

Growing a Business

Capitalize on Trends But Stand Firm on Your Identity

The goal of capitalizing on hot trends is to strengthen your brand.


These Apps Teach How One Can Benefit From a Leader's Popularity

When you search Modi Keynote app, there are more than 25 apps by same name, and similar looking pictures.


11 Disturbingly Offensive Ads That Landed Big Brands in Trouble

Ikea displayed a photograph of a young boy with his finger under his nose as a "pretend mustache" -- reminding customers of Adolf Hitler.


Why Parent Your Kids When This Robot Nanny Can Do the Job for You?

Say hello to iPal, the cold, hard stand-in parent your kid has always wanted.

Business News

Another Fake Story Appeared in Facebook's Trending News

The quality of Facebook's trending stories has suffered after it replaced human editors with algorithms.

Business News

Fake News Story Invades Facebook Trending Topics

The story popped up days after Facebook announced it would no longer use editors to curate trending news.

Business News

Facebook Trending Topics Loses Human Editors

The trending news section of the world's largest social network is now completely automated.

Growing a Business

'No Porn at Work,' and 16 Other Bizarre Goals People Committed to

Humans are strange beasts. The proof is in this bewildering list, courtesy of the goal-getters at motivational app StickK.


4 Things You Can Learn About Marketing from Pokemon Go

Want to make your app or business idea go as viral as Pokemon Go? Here's how

Data & Recovery

13 Pivotal Internet Moments That Forever Changed How We Live, Work and Play

From indexing the web to breaking it, here are the online moments that changed everything.


Apple CEO Tim Cook Puts the 'Man' In Pokémon

Whoops, he butchered a cultural phenomenon (that could make his employer $3 billion richer) and the internet won't let it go.

Business News

8 Weird Reasons Pokémon Go Isn't the Game Craze We're Used To

Heavens to Charizard, Nintendo's viral comeback app is making humans pull zany, dangerous stunts, all in pursuit of stupidly adorable Pokémon.