Trending: Page 3


Why the Rich and Famous are on Fire for Emojis, and Why Brands Should Care

It's all about the cash and cachet. Stephen Curry, Justin Bieber and Blac Chyna are the latest stars to keep up with the Kardashians in the keyboard invasion game.

Business News

Majority of U.S. Adults Get News From Social Media

Reddit has the largest number of users who say they get their news on the site at 70 percent, followed by Facebook users at 66 percent and Twitter at 59 percent.

Business News

This Craft Brewery Invented a Brilliant Edible 6-Pack Holder That Helps Sea Life

Embracing social entrepreneurship with an eco twist, SaltWater Brewery uses beer-brewing byproducts to create biodegradable rings that nourish -- not maim and kill -- marine life. We'll drink to that.

Social Media

The Kinky Ménage à Trois Startup That Tinder Wants to Kill (and How It's Fighting Back)

3nder, the 'Tinder for threesomes,' scored some free media coverage with its campaign to get users to ship stinky socks to Tinder.

Business News

Facebook's Zuckerberg to Meet Conservatives on Political Bias Scandal

Some 12 'conservative thought leaders' will join the meeting with Zuckerberg on Wednesday, a Facebook spokesman said.

Business News

After Trending Topics Scandal Breaks, Facebook Says 'Rigorous Guidelines' Exist to Maintain Neutrality

The social media network says no news outlets are prohibited from appearing on its trending topics list.

Business News

Facebook Reportedly Suppressed These Kinds of Stories

The claim comes from a journalist who worked on the platform's 'trending' sidebar, which shows popular articles and topics on a certain day.

News and Trends

Social Media Trends to Look Out For in 2016

Digital marketers keep on looking out for new trends emerging every year to tap into the vast unexplored market.

Science & Technology

Hey, Kids. Want to Be Smarter and Friendlier? Play More Video Games. Maybe.

Survey says: Blowing their brains out on video games for several hours a week might not be so bad for children after all.

Business News

8 of the Week's Best Business Tweets

Fresh shots of wisdom, in 140 inspiring characters or fewer.


Give Us a Break: Millennials Are Suffering From 'Vacation Shame'

A new study reveals that millennials are tripping over taking vacation -- theirs and yours.

Business News

Uber Lights Up Drivers' Windshields to Help Customers Find Their Rides

Rolling out in Seattle this month, the visual cue offers a basic but brilliant way to find an Uber.


Ladies: This 'Smart' Menstrual Product Texts You From Down There

Loon Labs's Looncup, crushing it on Kickstarter now, takes the fear of accidents out of your monthly cycle.

Social Media

Forget a 'Dislike' Button. Facebook Is Testing Cute Emoji 'Reactions' Instead.

'Like' doesn't always cut it. We need all the feels.