Wordpress: Page 2


8 Plugins Every WordPress Website Needs

Make sure you have these essential plugins to keep your site running smoothly and efficiently.


How to Rev up the Success of Your WordPress Website

New data from GoDaddy draws a clear distinction between "rocketship" vs. "decliner" sites. Which one's yours?

Thought Leaders

5 Game-Changing Skills Every Young Entrepreneur Can Master

There are a handful of skills necessary to build whatever business you yearn to launch.

Growing a Business

20 Crucial WordPress Plugins

These plugins will make website management easier and will keep users eager to come back.

Science & Technology

The Pros and Cons of DIY Website vs. Professionally Developed

Options for building websites today are abundant, so how can you decide which path is best for you?


4 Ways to Freshen Your Outdated Website

You're halfway there If your pages load swiftly and can be read on a smartphone but you're nowhere if they don't and can't.


7 Ways to Optimize Your WordPress Website

There are sound reasons why WordPress is the favored platform for DIY web development but some basic tweaks make it much better.


7 WordPress Plugins That Will Quickly Help Your Site Get More Traffic

There are some incredible tools that can help you optimize, audit and promote your site to help you increase your traffic.


25 Reasons Your Business Should Switch to WordPress

Why do 74 million websites use WordPress but you don't?

Data & Recovery

More Than 100,000 WordPress Websites Reportedly Infected by Russian Malware

Google has already flagged 11,000 malicious domains -- though it is likely that many more than that have been compromised by a mysterious virus called 'SoakSoak.'

Thought Leaders

The 7 WordPress Plugins Your Site Needs to Succeed

With so many websites powered by WordPress, supercharge yours with these powerful plugins.

Science & Technology

10 Questions to Ask When Optimizing Your Website for Mobile Users

Expert tips on how to rock your business's web presence on smartphones and tablets.

Science & Technology

4 Essential WordPress Plugins for Business Blogs

Add these plugins to help boost your traffic, more effectively moderate comments, and more.

Science & Technology

3 Hidden Security Risks for WordPress Users

The popular website development platform may be free, but it also is more vulnerable to hackers and other issues.

Social Media

A New Tool for Adding Facebook Features to Your Website

Four reasons you might consider trying the new Facebook plug-in for Wordpress.