Yoga: Page 3
12 Research-Backed Practices for Enjoying Life Regardless of How Much You're Stressed at Work
Trust the science. You can stay unruffled despite all the hassles.
10 Simple Lifestyle Changes Science Is Confident Will Help You Live Longer
The science is in, and the path to a longer life is astonishingly easy to follow: Live exactly the way your great-grandparents did -- but do yoga, too.
Global Businesses Dig deep into Indian Culture for Growth
These three ideas from Indian heritage have become a global phenomena
#5 Stress-busting Activities Every Busy Entrepreneur Need to Indulge In
Being stressed all the time takes a toll on your health, and ultimately impacts your business.
How can Busy Entrepreneurs Create a Work-life Balance
You cannot bring a change until you give the gift of time to hunt the change
Why India should Explore Business Potentials in Yoga
The wellness industry in India has evolved rapidly from its unstructured beginning in the early 1990s to a broad ecosystem today
How Regular Workout Keeps Our CEOs Up and Running
Exercise enhances the serotonin levels and thus the mood and when in a good mood, you will deliver with better ability, says this fitness expert
If Work-Life Balance Isn't Realistic, Try This Instead.
Trying to balance everything in our lives just stresses us out more. The key to happiness is more about creating work-life harmony.
This Entrepreneur's Success Mantra is Community Building
For ages, Ayurveda and Yoga have been a defining factor for India. But more than that, what has always defined is the unity in diversity and thereby, community building
What's Triggering Health Problems in Urban India?
With young professionals spending long hours at work, it's important to get them talk about the importance of nutrition and good eating habits
#5 Ways to Improve Your Efficiency at Work through Yoga
Yoga not only keeps your mind calm but also gives you instant energy to refresh you from inside
'I Quit My Job to Devote Myself to Yogic Life'
This entrepreneur's vision is to bring at least one element of being a yogi in everyone's life
"My Startup Is A Reflection Of Who I Am" - Stefania Brunori, Founder, Yoginfinity
Yoginfinity Founder Stefania Brunori on why TECOM Group's in5 is a perfect platform to launch a startup business in Dubai.
#5 Yoga Poses an Entrepreneur Can Do to Combat Stress
Yoga makes one dynamic, powerful, fluid, force, humble, subtle, tolerant and patient
This Kurta-dhoti Clad CEO is Now Among the Richest
From being an Ayurveda practitioner in Himalayan villages to shaping up this FMCG company's success as its CEO is a story of a disciplined approach followed by Acharya Balakrishnan