Todd D. Maddocks

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Business News

Working From The Wilderness

People say technology enables you to run a business anywhere. But is it really true? One writer tests the theory, using technology to run his business from a remote area in the mountains.

Business News

Portrait of a Franchise

It's been a rocky road, but Jack and Diane are finally nearing their destination: franchise ownership.

Business News

To the Rescue

Jack and Diane* aren't left to bail out their sinking land deal alone. Their franchisor throws them a lifesaver in the nick of time.

Business News

Road to Ambition

What's it really like to buy a franchise? Read part one of our ongoing series following one couple's exciting trek to entrepreneurial success.

Business News

Never Seen Anything Like It

This IHOP owner was international enough, but what's a pancake?


Buying in Bulk

Whether good or bad, the surest way to quick growth--for you and your franchisor--is a multiunit deal.

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