Brands: Page 10

Growth Strategies

Three Lessons From Deconstructing The Elon Musk Branding Juggernaut

When brand ideals and their representatives are not on the same page, the resulting mixed messages and confusing signals create an inherent distrust that no amount of PR can fix. Musk gets this.

Business News

Twitter's Ecommerce Redo Won't Be Much Help to Brands or Influencers

Just when you thought Twitter stopped tripping over themselves, they launch another big ball of meh.


10 Ways SEO Is the Secret to Brand-Building

Search visibility plays a significant role in building an online brand. Here are 10 ways to use SEO to build your brand this year.

Thought Leaders

How to Build a Brand for Your Dropshipping Store

Dropshippers can benefit greatly from branding their online stores. Find out how you can stand out from your competitors through this guide.


The Unwritten Rules of Naming Your Business

You may not know it, but your industry has unwritten rules when it comes to business names. Find out what yours might be so you can craft a name that resonates with your customers.


3 Ways You're Killing Your Brand

You know you're better than your competitors. Everyone else should know it too. But if you don't get your brand right, you may kill your shot.

Business News

These Are the 10 Most Valuable Brands In the World

A look at the companies that dominated this past year.


Why Do Consumers Buy Certain Products and Services?

John Fieldly, CEO of Celsius Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: CELH), talks about the journey that brands go through and how repositioning a brand can impact its growth.

News and Trends

This Jewelry Brand Leveraged The Power Of Online During COVID-19 To Scale And Survive

ENGELSINN restructured its strategies, managed to beat the industry's slump, and thrived


5 Essential Steps to Naming Your New Business

A name needs a story for people to connect with. Otherwise, it's just a word.

Social Media

How to Take Advantage of Instagram's New 'Shop' Feature for Black Friday

Brands will look to drive more early holiday sales on the platform.


Three Branding Assumptions to Avoid

It's critical to understand the realities of effective branding so that brand design and success can be developed based on the target market rather than assumptions.


4 Signs You Need To Realign With Your Brand Values

How to identify if your brand values are still guiding your business and how to recalibrate if they're not.

Science & Technology

The Real Cost of a Data Breach for Your Brand (and How to Best Protect Yourself)

The aftermath can hurt in more ways than just a bank balance.


4 Ways Brands Can Be Activists for School Safety Right Now

As some U.S. schools return to in-person learning, this is how brands should support students and educators.