Finding Customers: Page 9

Business News

How to Overcome the Great Analytics Gap

Some studies are showing an ever-increasing gap between the information key decision makers want, and the actionable insights needed to drive business forward.

Business Process

Dealstorming Will Help You Sell More

Former Yahoo! chief solutions officer and New York Times bestselling author Tim Sanders explains a seven-step dealstorming process that will help you cultivate your customer base.

Business Ideas

How to Find Real Customers for Your Startup

Tips for mastering the tricky first step of turning your idea into a viable business.

Business News

4 Simple Ways to Boost Your Customer Acquisition Strategy

Acquire customers differently by driving progress toward strategic goals.


Can Tech-Innovations Reshape MSME Lending In India?

Is "this time" any different from earlier attempts to reshape the financial industry?

Growing a Business

4 Ways Customer Onboarding Is the Secret to Startup Success

Understanding the real value of customer onboarding is key for any business leader.


4 Sales Mantras to Memorize and Why They Work

You're not pushing a product -- you're changing minds.


Indirect Data Is the Travel Industry's Secret Weapon

If travel marketers pay attention to what potential clients are searching for on the Internet and social media, they'll have their best season yet.

Growing a Business

3 Simple Ways Ecommerce Startups Can Gain More Customers

Marketing efforts will always take time, especially early on as entrepreneurs figure out what tools and platforms work best for their brand, but these marketing hacks are a great start.


Would You Try This Man's Wacky Sales Pitches? (You Should -- They Worked!)

Doug Baldasare would try just about anything to close a sale. Here's how he got customers' attention.

Growing a Business

5 Customer Acquisition Mistakes You Can't Afford to Make

From following the crowd to worrying about ROI, here are errors entrepreneurs make when it comes to acquiring customers.

Business News

5 Simple Ways to Reach Customers

When it comes to reaching customers, public relations can either be a company's best friend or its worst enemy. Here are a few rules for establishing good customer relations.


How to Repel the Wrong Customers -- and Attract the Right Ones

You don't want everyone to like you, just the right ones.

Science & Technology

Let's Get Personal: Using Technology to Improve In-Store Customer Experience

Technology and data can play an invaluable role in enhancing your business, and the benefits are there for the taking, but don't lose sight of the folks behind the numbers.


5 Marketing Lessons from DuckDuckGo's CEO Gabriel Weinberg

Learn from others' failures. Test your concept. And never, ever give up.