Safety: Page 3

Business News

Safe And Convenient Living: Check Out These Apps Which Are Making Community Living Better

Technology has revolutionized all aspects of our lives and now property technology, or proptech, is improving the real estate and housing sector

Business News

Instagram Wants to Know How Old You Are

The new policy is part of Instagram's ongoing effort to protect younger users -- and to not run afoul of the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).


How Gated Communities Are Overcoming Security Challenges in a Rapidly Urbanizing India

In addition to ensuring that only the right people are let in, this technology also ensures that guards can focus on their core jobs of managing security and ensuring safety

Science & Technology

Survey: More Than 8 in 10 Fell Victim to Phishing Attacks in 2018. Here's What to Know About the Practice. (Infographic)

Phishing and other social engineering attacks cost victims more than $1.4 million in 2018, according to an Accenture study.


How Technological Advancement Is Changing Gated Community Management

A number of housing society management solutions today enable communities to run smoothly while automating a number of processes


Why it Pays to Invest in Health and Safety Systems

There are key reasons not to neglect health and safety in your business.

Starting a Business

How I Took the Wild Road From Stunts to Safety and Built a Business on What I Learned

Lying in the road, bloodied and hurt after a motorcycle accident, this CEO applied his experience to something people needed.

News and Trends

How to Create a Safe Workplace For All in the Post-MeToo era

Reports of harassment are on the rise, but organizations may not be doing enough to identify and manage this risk properly

Business News

Volvo's Shared 'Care Key' Will Keep Your Teens From Speeding

Starting with model year 2021, you'll be able to set your own speed limits.


Roles to Run a Successful Adventure Sports Company

People want to participate in adventure sports because such sports are thrilling and have an element of danger, here,s what you need to know

News and Trends

Decoding the Click-a-Button Generation's Way of Finding Love: Dating Apps

Entrepreneur India interacts with Delta, TrulyMadly and OkCupid to list out the modern online dating game; everything from the trends to the business opportunities in the industry

News and Trends

Wednesday Wisdom: Dating App Industry is Very Lucrative for Business Opportunities

Stay tuned to get every day updates in 60 seconds

Business News

Headed to the Super Bowl? Check Your Urine -- and 12 Other Safety Tips

Tackle your personal safety when attending or viewing this Year's Super Bowl LIII.


How is Cleanliness and Efficient Work Related?

When everyone in the company starts to realize the advantages of a clean workplace, housekeeping will become a company passion


Female Road Warriors: How to Protect Yourself When Traveling for Work

Follow these tips to stay safe while on the road.