Safety: Page 9


Why Chipotle Is Closed for Lunch Today

Franchisees are supposed to use the time to go over new food safety procedures after multiple E. coli cases.

Science & Technology

Attention Drone Owners: Flying Robots Near the Super Bowl Is Not OK

The FAA has warned drone owners that 'deadly force' may be used if they violate a 32-mile no-fly zone around Levi's Stadium this Sunday.

Business News

Theranos Poses 'Immediate Jeopardy' to Patient Health, Government Says

The embattled blood-testing startup's lab practices were found to be deficient.

Business News

Uber Has a Creative New Way to Distract Drunk Passengers

As concerns over driver safety have increased over the past few months, the ride service is reportedly piloting one solution in the backseats of cars in Charlotte, N.C.

Business News

Regulators Are Investigating Exploding Hoverboards

The Consumer Product Safety Commission designated the issue as a 'priority investigation.'

Business News

After Numerous Health Incidents, Chipotle Has a Big Perception Problem

Outbreaks of E. Coli and norovirus have caused the fast casual chain to temporarily shut down locations across the country.

Business News

Hoverboards Prohibited at CES 2016

The electronics and technology show has banned the wildly popular device, and Twitter is not pleased.

Data & Recovery

If You Get In the Way of Google's Self-Driving Car, It Might Shout at You

Forget wimpy horn-honking. Google's autonomous ride could blast messages at passersby from external loudspeakers.

Data & Recovery

Children's Photos Among Data Stolen in Hack of Toy Maker VTech

A vigilante hacker's breach of 5 million accounts for the Hong Kong-based Internet-connected toy maker brings parents' worst nightmares into reality.

Business News

Tesla Is Recalling 90,000 Model S Sedans Over Seat Belt Concerns

The company has issued a worldwide recall after a customer reported an issue with the seat belt breaking.


FDA Releases New Anti-Food Poisoning Rules Just as Salmonella Outbreak Reaches 30 States

Separate salmonella outbreaks have been reportedly tied to cucumbers and Chipotle.


When Exercising Caution Is the Best Move For Your Business

In workplace safety and in hiring decisions, caution is key.


Kids' Car Seat Gets the Upgrade You Never Knew It Needed

This innovative approach to the booster seat is just downright impressive, even to someone who doesn't have children.

Business News

Samsung to Create Fund for Cancer-Stricken Workers

The $85 million fund will compensate sick workers and their families, and be used toward prevention efforts.