Safety: Page 8

Business News

Tesla Says There is No Safety Defect in its Model S or X

Tesla said that in April it had cooperated fully with the NHTSA as part of a 'routine screening' on suspensions and that the agency did not ask for any further information.

Growth Strategies

5 HR Strategies To Promote Employee Health And Safety

Any company's major loss would be the loss of employees when they are not safe and secure during their working hours.

Business News

Never Fear, Uber Is Here! Crime and Fatal Accident Rates Fall Since Company Launch.

Researchers have correlated the rise of ridesharing services with a decline in fatal crashes and disorderly conduct on the roads.

Business News

Group Calls on U.S. to Speed Up Favorable Regulations for Autonomous Cars

In January, the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) said it would unveil guidelines to states and manufacturers on self-driving cars by July.

Business News

This Navy SEAL's Safety Checklist Could Save Your Life on Your Next Trip

With hijackings and bombings dominating the headlines, here are some security tips every traveler should know.

Money & Finance

These Are the Most Common, and Expensive, Injuries at Work

Serious or not, most injuries still come with a hefty bill for businesses.


7 Easy Ways You Can Increase Safety On a Budget

WIth so much to do and so few resources, bootstrapping entrepreneurs often ignore workplace safety until it's too late. Don't risk it.


Feeling Unsafe? Press The Safety Button

The tech-savvy community, however, has fortunately been working on quite a few safety apps that people have found useful. Here are some smartphone apps you can use.

Business News

German City Designs Traffic Lights for Oblivious Pedestrians

Blinking LED lights are now being placed in the ground at busy intersections for people who look down at their devices while walking.

Business News

Is the 'Uber for Women' Startup a Lawsuit Waiting to Happen?

Chariot will only employ women as drivers, while only women and children under 13 can request rides.

Business News

Uber Agrees to Cough Up $10 Million to Settle California Suit on Misleading Customers

'It sends a clear message to all businesses, and to startups in particular, that in the quest to quickly obtain market share laws designed to protect consumers cannot be ignored,' San Francisco DA says.


WhatsApp is Now Technically Illegal and a National Security Threat to India

WhatsApp can now be used as a portal for child pornography distribution, harassing women and even terrorist plots - and we can't stop it


Check Out This CIA Operative's 9-Step Hotel Safety Checklist

Before you pack your bags, learn this 9-step spy-approved system.


Sound Off: Should Distracted Walkers Be Fined or Jailed?

A New Jersey lawmaker has put forward a bill that stipulates pedestrians with their faces in their phones will pay a fine of $50 or spend up to 15 days in jail.