Sales: Page 7

Growing a Business

Silent Signals — How Top Sellers Anticipate Customer Needs

Now, more than ever, buying decisions made by customers and prospects involve multiple people. To understand what's on the minds of your customers, you need to track the activities of several types of buying influencers.

Growing a Business

How to Turn Every Employee into a Sales Superstar

When you run a small business, you do not have a machine to grind out leads, vet them and close the deal. You need every person on your team to generate business.


10 Ways to Transform Your Leadership Team into a Sales Machine

How to empower your leadership team and elevate them into a sales machine that can take your business to new heights.

Business Plans

How to Get Customers in Your Store and Drive Traffic to Your Website

Whether you are a brick-and-mortar or an ecommerce business, you need a plan to make it easy for customers to find you.

Business Plans

Customers and Investors Don't Want Products. They Want Solutions.

Product features are great, but you really need to sell buyers on how your product or service will benefit their lives.

Business Plans

How to Define Your Product and Set Your Prices

Before you can start promoting your business, you need to have a marketing strategy that defines what you are selling, how much it costs, and where customers can find it.

Business Plans

Use This Worksheet to Write a Product Description That Sells

It is vitally important that your business plan is able to build a convincing case for the product or service that you plan on selling.

Business Plans

What Is Your Unique Selling Proposition? Use This Worksheet to Find Your Greatest Strength.

Learn how to hone in on the things about your business that truly stand apart from the rest.

Business Plans

A Step-by-Step Guide to Presenting Your Business Plan in 10 Slides

How the 10–20–30 rule will help you create a concise and compelling presentation.


5 Telltale Signs These Outdated Strategies Are Killing Your Business (and How to Get With the Times)

With the constant evolution of technology shaping how businesses operate and interact with customers, it's important to advance your own business processes and technologies to yield these benefits and stay relevant.

Business News

Want to Keep Your Customers? Keep It Simple — Here's Why.

Removing simplicity from your business is one of the easiest traps to fall into — too many offerings, too complicated to purchase, and not solution-orientated enough to solve problems. Return to simplicity, return to profitability.


It's No Longer About Competition or Cooperation. This Is the New Force That Is Driving Business Success.

The new book, "The Third Paradigm," discusses how businesses should harness the power of consumers who want a say in creating and improving the products and services they buy.

Growing a Business

Salespeople Have Some of the Highest Turnover Rates — But Here's How You Can Retain Them.

In today's age of sales, it's important to ensure your hiring process is solid. The goal is to always seek high-quality, qualified people to work for your company or teams. Spending time in this process has been the key to my success through the years, so let's dive into some key points I have used for success.

Growing a Business

Nail That Sale — Top 10 One-Liners to Go From Salesperson to Trusted Advisee

To win the sale, you sometimes have to take off your sales hat and think differently.