Target Markets: Page 7


What PayPal's Rocky Beginnings Can Teach You About Startup Success

Choosing the right market segment and customer base can take trial and error. Here are three lessons from a company that's been through it before.


How to Engage Customers on a Dime

Engaging customers is about reaching them with a compelling message. Here are some ways to do this without breaking the bank.

Business News

From Birchbox to BeautyArmy, Grappling With the High-Cost of Freebies

S.W. Basics founder Adina Grigore describes the internal questions that arise when marketers, wholesalers and subscription services request free products.


Abercrombie & Fitch: Bad Business or Smart Targeting?

Abercrombie CEO's Mark Jeffries' recent claims that his brand is not made for "fat people" was a bold and controversial move, but offensive as his comments were, is he being savvy about target marketing?


Defining Your Market in 7 Steps

No business can be all things to all customers, especially a small business. Here's how to find a niche to set up your company for success.

Business News

5 Tips for Targeting Your Ideal Start-Up Customer

Generating lots of traffic is only part of the battle. Here are some tips to help you avoid the blunders of blind traffic generation.

Business Ideas

To Find Your Next Great Business Idea, Narrow Your Focus

A winning business opportunity often isn't obvious at first. Successful entrepreneurs can identify new niches and whether they can be profitable.

Business News

5 Ways to Generate Genuine Feedback for Your New Product

After glowing reviews from his family, student entrepreneur Brian Ballan sought the truth from objective strangers.

Social Media

What Facebook's Page Post Targeting Means to Your Business

Facebook's newest tweak could mean reaching exactly the customers you're after without annoying the ones you aren't.


To Develop Your Network, Target Your Market

Successful networking doesn't mean running all over town. Here's how to create a strategic approach that makes the most productive use of your time.

Growing a Business

How to Redefine Your Business in a New Market

Three ways entrepreneurs have refocused their companies for success by targeting a different audience -- and you can, too.


Free Market-Research Tools -- A Sampler

Small businesses can tap a variety of free resources for insights about customers, competitors and trends.


Five Affordable Consumer Research Tools

Thanks to the Internet, small businesses can now survey consumers quickly and easily for opinions about new products and other marketing plans.


How to Target Your Message to Find Customers

Small businesses don't need a data crunching geek squad to identify and reach more qualified groups of customers. Consider the following strategy.

Starting a Business

Market Research: What It Is and How to Conduct It

To boost your competitive advantage, you may want to do market research. Entrepreneur is here with a guide on market research and how to conduct it.