Google AdWords


Se acerca una avalancha de IA para Google: prepárate para un camino accidentado

Estamos al borde de lo que parece un punto de evolución crucial en el mundo del marketing digital. Los 'buenos viejos tiempos' en los que podías obtener exposición inmediata para tu negocio a través del monopolio de Google Ads quedarán atrás.

Business Solutions

4 Ways to Build a Strong Online Brand (Despite the Chaos of the Internet)

Building trust and influence in a digital world is an ongoing process, and embracing these trends will help you navigate the ever-changing landscape of personal branding.


Google y YouTube transforman la publicidad con inteligencia artificial

Ambas empresas lanzaron Spotlight Moments, una herramienta que permitirá identificar los videos más populares relacionados con momentos culturales específicos para ofrecer publicidad en ellos.


Apple prepara Pegasus, su propio motor de búsqueda

El objetivo de la empresa es competir con Google y generar mayores ingresos por publicidad mediante un buscador exclusivo para sus productos.


Un comunicado interno de Google apunta a la desaparición del trabajo remoto

Al igual que otras empresas del sector, Google busca que sus empleados regresen el mayor tiempo posible a las oficinas.


Google lanza My Ad Center y le devuelve al usuario el control para definir los anuncios que verá

El lanzamiento de la plataforma implica un paso importante para que sean los usuarios —y no un algoritmo— quienes definan el tipo de contenido publicitario que desean ver mientras navegan en internet.


Learn How Your Google Account Can Help Grow Your Business

Become a paid marketing expert with this growth marketing bundle.

Data & Recovery

Why Google's Search Page Redesign Is the Death of SEO

It's clear they only care about maximizing clicks to paid advertisers.


How to Find Keywords That Will Drive the Most Traffic to Your Website

Ignoring this element of the game could leave you permanently warming the bench.


4 Key Reasons Local Businesses Fail When Using Google AdWords

If you've tried Google AdWords and had little to no success, find out what you could have doing wrong.


The Secret to Keyword Research for Local Businesses

Knowing which keywords online shoppers use to find your business can put you at the top of the search results. Learn how easy it is to choose the right ones.

Data & Recovery

Learn Google Ads and SEO Strategies to Grow Your Business

This $50 bundle can help your business thrive.


Learn Digital Advertising Essentials and Stay Ahead of the Game

Become an expert with Google Ads, YouTube Ads, and LinkedIn Advertising.


To Make More Money Online, You Must Diversify From Google AdWords and Facebook Ads (or Pay the Price)

Your customers aren't all on one platform, so neither should your digital ads.


Learn to Drive More Traffic and Sales With This $29 Social Media Bootcamp

Learn the basics of Google AdWords and MailChimp marketing, plus dive into streaming, influencer marketing, and more.