Customers: Page 9

Social Media

A Story Behind Every Cookie: Best Damn Cookies's Path to Success

Owners of Best Damn Cookies in New York City explain how fearlessness and collaboration have raised their cookies to the upper echelons of baked goods.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

7 Ways Data Helps Your Restaurant Succeed

By using underutilized analytics and data, you can gain valuable insights into your business and make data-driven decisions to achieve long-term success

Growing a Business

Charles Bililies of Souvla on Creating a Fast-Fine Greek Restaurant

Interview with Founder/CEO of Souvla Charles Bililies about being a fast-fine restaurant, believing in an entrepreneurial vision, and how Toast technology revamped his tech stack.

Growing a Business

How to Create a Brand Narrative That Inspires and Engages Your Audience

In today's crowded marketplace, having a great product or service is not enough. To succeed, you need to create a connection with your audience that goes beyond the features and benefits of your offerings. That's where business storytelling comes in. By crafting an interesting narrative that conveys your brand's values and mission, you can build trust, loyalty, and a competitive edge that sets you apart.


Spending the Most Really Does Win the Most Customers. Here's Why

Customers are the lifeblood of your business. You don't want to cheap out when it comes to customer retention.

Growing a Business

The Best Customer Service Companies Spend These 8 Minutes A Day Becoming Better Than the Rest of Us

These short and wildly effective customer service improvement steps will set you well on your way toward becoming "the Ritz-Carlton of Industry X" or "the Zappos of Industry Y."

Growing a Business

How to Become a Trusted Advisor to Clients and Drive Faster Decision-Making

The businesses that win are those with teams playing more advisory roles in client and customer relationships.

Growing a Business

Why Staying Human in the Age of AI is Crucial to Business Survival

In the ever-changing tides of consumer trends, only the most adaptable businesses will stay afloat and thrive.


8 Effective Ways to Connect With Your Customer

Here's how you can stay ahead of the curve when connecting with customers in the digital age.

Growing a Business

How to Avoid Poor-Quality Traffic Sources and Get More From Your Customers

Improve your bottom line for your ecommerce business by avoiding low-quality traffic sources.

Thought Leaders

5 Life-Changing Customer Service Secrets You Can Learn From Five-Star Hotels

Dramatically improve the customer service at your business by emulating the great hotels, including The Ritz-Carlton, Four Seasons and Michael Dell's newest ultra-luxury property.

Growing a Business

The Secret to Profitability — 3 Ideas to Build Your Backend Sales Infrastructure

Here are three tips to help you build a backend sales infrastructure that can help you grow your business.


Remote Work Skeptics Are Forgetting Their Most Valuable Asset: Their Customers. Here's Why.

While there's a widely-held belief that three days a week in the office is the magic number, with a number of large companies adopting it, it's a fundamentally flawed approach. Instead, what leaders need to focus on is how hybrid work arrangements will serve customer needs.


4 Ways Marketing Can Help Improve the Customer Onboarding Process

Here's how effective marketing can build trust, enhance brand reputation and reduce customer abandonment during onboarding.

Growing a Business

Here's the Best Way to Increase the Lifetime Value of Your Customers

Don't miss the opportunity to leverage this key aspect of the customer experience to protect your margins, boost customer retention and increase your customer lifetime value.